Professor Building Structural System LAB

박홍근 교수

1997년부터 현재까지 24년간 서울대학교 건축학과에 재직하면서 건축구조공학분야에서 후진양성에 이바지해왔으며, 한국콘크리트학회, 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회, 한국구조기술사회, 한국건축정책학회에서 부회장을 역임하여, 건축산업과 건물안전에 관련하여 사회에 이바지 한 바가 크며, 현재 한국공학한림원 정회원, 한국과학기술한림원 정회원, 미국콘크리트학회 명예회원(ACI Fellow)으로 활동하고 있다. 또한, 학문적, 기술적 업적을 인정받아 미국 텍사스대학의 우수동문상(Member of Academy of Distinguished Alumni in Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering)을 수상한바 있다.

박홍근교수는 2000년부터 국토교통부의 지원하에 대학건축학회에서 건축구조기준(Korean Building Code)집필을 담당하여 왔으며, 2016년부터 대한건축학회의 KBC 센터장으로서 KBC 뿐만 아니라 건축학회표준 기준 및 지침들의 제개정작업의 책임자로서 활동하고 있으며, KBC 지진하중의 대표집필위원으로 활동하고 있다. 또한 한국콘크리트학회 발간 콘크리트구조기준의 집필자로서 활동하면서 콘크리트공학발전에 기여하였다.

박홍근 교수는 국토해양부의 중앙건설심의위원과 설계심의위원으로서 건축분야의 기준제개정심의와 공공건물의 설계심의에 다년간 봉사하여 왔으며, 그 이외에도 조달청, 서울시등에서 설계심의위원으로 활동하여 왔다.

박홍근교수는 국내학회지 139편, 국제학회지(SCI급 저널)에 138편등 활발한 국내외 학술활동을 통하여 구조공학과 콘크리트공학, 내진공학분야의 학문발전에 기여하였으며, 이러한 공로를 인정받아서 미국콘크리트학회 (American Concrete Institute)에서 수여하는 학술논문상 (The Chester Paul Siess Award for Excellence in Structural Research)을 2회 수상하였으며, 과학기술우수논문상(과학기술단체 총연합회), 한국콘크리트학회 논문상등 여러 학술논문상을 수상한 바가 있다.

학력 및 주요 경력사항
  • 1981.3 – 1985.2서울대학교 건축학과, 학사
  • 1985.3 – 1987.2서울대학교 건축학과 대학원 구조전공, 석사
  • 1988.2 – 1990.3전우구조기술사사무소, 설계주임
  • 1990.8 – 1994.5Department of Civil Engineering The University of Texas at Austin, 구조전공, 박사
  • 1995.11 – 1997.8전우구조기술사사무소, 소장 (Partner)
  • 1997.9 – 현재서울대학교 건축학과 교수
  • 2006. – 2013 2단계BK사업팀 팀장
  • 2009. – 2011서울대학교 건축학과 학과장
  • 2013. – 20203단계BK사업팀 팀장
  • 2020. – 2021서울대학교 건축학과 학과장
  • 2020. – 20274단계BK사업팀 팀장
  • 2021. – 2022한국콘크리트학회 회장
건축구조기술사 (등록번호 : 96146010094D)
수상 및 영예

제10회 과학기술우수논문상, 한국과학기술단체 총연합회, 2000.5.19, ‘RC Flat Plate Subjected to Combined In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Loads’

논문상, 이도범, 이리형, 박홍근(공동연구자), 2006, 한국콘크리트학회, ‘설계변수에 따른 플랫플레이트-기둥 접합부의 강도산정모형’, 한국콘크리트학회, 제18권 3호, 2006. 6., pp. 405-414.

우수연구교수상, 서울대학교 공과대학, 2008

The Chester Paul Siess Award for Excellence in Structural Research(학술 논문상), 미국콘크리트학회(ACI), 2009. “Shear Strength of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beams without Web Reinforcement,” ACI Structural Journal, V. 104 No. 1, 2009, pp. 12-21.

공로패, 한국건축구조기술사회, 2010. 1.

공로패, 한국콘크리트학회, 2010. 11.

논문상, 홍건호, 백종삼, 박홍근(공동연구자), 2010, 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회, “Hollow core슬래브 간 접합부의 전단저항성능 평가,” 14권4호, 94-101, 2010.7

지식경제부장관상, 콘크리트기술경연대회, new truss technology, 2011

The Chester Paul Siess Award for Excellence in Structural Research(학술 논문상), 미국콘크리트학회(ACI), 2012. “evaluation of inelastic deformation capacity of beams subjected to cyclic loading,” ACI Structural Journal.

우수강의상, 서울대학교 공과대학, 2012

국제활동상, 한국콘크리트학회, 2012.

학회장표창, 한국콘크리트학회, 2012

학술상, 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회, 2014

표창장, 국토해양부장관, 2014

학술상, 한국건축구조기술사회, 2015.

기술상, 한국지진공학회, 2016.

문호상(우수연구자상), 한국콘크리트학회, 2016.

우수논문상, 대한건축학회, 2017

한국공학한림원 정회원 (the national academy of engineering of korea, NAEK) 2012-

한국과학기술한림원 정회원 (the Korean academy of science and technology, KAST) 2017

Member of Academy of Distinguished Alumni in Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 2018.

한국공학한림원 정회원 (the national academy of engineering of korea, NAEK) 2018-

학술상, 한국콘크리트학회, 2018.

Fellow member, American Concrete Institute, 미국콘크리트학회, 2019.

공로상, 한국건축구조기술사회, 2019

학술상, 대한건축학회, 2019.

공로패, 한국콘크리트학회, 2019.

공로패, 대한건축학회, 2020.

표창장, 국가건축정책위원장, 2020

학회활동 및 기타 경력사항

한국전산구조공학회 이사, 2002 – 2005

한국콘크리트학회 이사, 2003 -2006, 2009-2012, 부회장 2015- 2016, 회장 2021-2022

대한건축학회 KBC 위원회 위원장, 2006 – 2008, KBC 센타장, 2017-2019

한국지진공학회 이사, 2003 – 2004, 대의원, 2008-

ACI member 00087340, 명예회원 (fellow)

ASCE member 939839

Fib (the international federation for structural concrete) national deputy member 25257

keynote speech, “Integrated Inelastic Analysis/Design Methods for Earthquake Design of RC Structures,” Twelfth International Colloquium on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering , December 2007 , Cairo, Egypt.

서울시 건축심의위원, 2009, 서울시

11기 중앙건설기술심의위원회, 2010, 국토해양부

국토교통부 중앙건설기술심의위원회 설계심의분과위원, 2010-12, 2016-17, 2017(7기), 2018-20(8기)

한국구조물진단유지관리공학회, 부회장, 2013-2014

조달청 설계심의위원, 2013, 조달청

서울시 건축구조안전자문위원, 2013, 서울시

건축구조기술사회 부회장, 2014-2015

한국건축정책학회 부회장, 2014-2015

논문편집위원 (editorial board): advances in concrete construction issn 2287-5301, techno press

논문편집위원 (editorial board): Journal of Asian Concrete Federation

국토교통부 건설사고조사위원단, 2015-2016

한국초고층도시건축학회 부회장, 2015-1026

6기턴키심사위원단, LH 공사, 2015

건설기준위원회(공통기준) 위원, 국가건설기준센타, 국토교통부, 2015.

LH공사 기술심사평가위원, 2015-16,

한국시설안전공단, 수직증축형 리모델링 전문기관 안전성 검토 자문위원, 2015-17

인천공항 건설사업 자문위원, 2014-2018

SR (고속철) 경영자문위원, 2016

서울시 건축위원회 위원, 2016

대한전기협회, kepic (원전기준) 격납구조 및 콘크리트 분과위원, 2016

대한건축학회 한국건축기준(KBC) 센터 센터장, 2016.

에너지안전자문위원회 원전분과(경주지진관련), 산자부, 한국수력원자력, 2016.

건축물 안전영향평가 위원, 한국시설안전공단, 2017

인천공항 4단계 건설자문위원, 2018-2023

건설기준위원회 위원, 2018-2021, 한국건설기술연구원.

Outstanding reviewer, journal of construction steel research, feb. 2018, Elsevier

Recognized reviewer, soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, Dec. 2017, Elsevier

Outstanding reviewer, engineering structures, nov. 2017, Elsevier

Recognized reviewer, thin walled structures, nov. 2017, Elsevier

Recognized reviewer, engineering structures, jan. 2017, Elsevier

Guest Editor-in-Chief. International journal of concrete structures and materials, volume 13, number 2, feb, 2019.

국가과학기술자문회의(presidential advisory council on science & technology. PACST) R&D예산 심의위원회 공공우주전문위원회 위원, 2019.

기초연구분야 자문회의, 과학기술정보통신부, 2020-2022.

건축모니터링(구조분야) 기준제도개선협의체 위원, 2020-2021

한국토지주택공사 기술심사평가위원, 2020

인천도시공사, 기술자문위원, 2021-2023

건축구조설계, 콘크리트공학, 합성구조, 구조해석, 내진공학
국내 139편(KCI 75편), 국외(sci 논문) 138편 (ACI 48편, ASCE 43편)
특허등록 28건, 신기술등록 2건, 디자인특허 1건, 프로그램등록 1건, 저작권등록 1건
Prof. Hong-Gun Park

Hong-Gun Park is a Professor in the Department of Architecture & Architectural Engineering at Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, where he has served on the faculty since 1997.

Currently Prof. Park is the President of Korea Concrete Institute, and served as the director of Korean Building Code Center in Architectural Institute of Korea and a vice-President of The Korean Structural Engineers Association. He is a member of two national academic societies in Korea: National Engineering Academic Society in Korea (NEAK), and The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST). He is a member of CAEE Academy of Distinguished Alumni, The University of Texas at Austin. He is serving as a member of Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology (PACST) in Korea.

Prof. Park is a Fellow member of American Concrete Institute (ACI) and serving as a committee member of ACI 421, 445, International Advisory Committee, and IC/C. He received The ACI Chester Paul Siess Award for Excellence in Structural Research, two times in 2009 and 2012.

Prof. Park has authored or co-authored over 230 technical papers, including 45 ACI structural journal papers and 40 ASCE journal of structural engineering papers. His research interests include earthquake design of reinforced concrete and composite structures, material model for nonlinear finite element analysis, and evaluation of existing building structures. Currently, Prof. Park is leading two research projects for high rise building and nuclear power plant which are supported by Korean government.

Hong-Gun Park received his BS and MS in architectural engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, in 1985 and 1987, respectively, and his PhD in civil engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, in 1994. He is a registered Professional Engineer in South Korea.

Representative Achievements

Unified shear strength model for reinforced concrete beams and columns : This model was presented in the hot session during ACI convention (Milwaukee, 2016), and was published in Concrete International and ACI structural journal. This model was served as a basis for the new shear strength equation adopted to ACI 318-19.

Unified Shear Design Method of Concrete Beams Based on Compression Zone Failure Mechanism, ACI Concrete International, Sept. 2017.

Shear Strength Model of Concrete Beams Based on Compression Zone Failure Mechanism, ACI STRUCT J (113, 1095-1106, 2016)

Director of Korean Building Code Center in Architectural Institute of Korea: Prof. Park is in charge of revision of Korean Building Code. He is also the chair of editor’s committee for earthquake design provisions in KBC. Recently, a new edition of seismic design code for buildings (as a part of KBC) was published, addressing the damages of buildings that occurred in Kyungju Earthquake(2016) and Pohang Earthquake(2017).

Leader of evaluation research for Lotte World Tower (125 story, 550m), Seoul, Korea : Prof. Park lead a research team evaluating major parts of structural system in Lotte World Tower, which was sponsored by Lotte construction management group. He successfully evaluated the important part and connection of the structural system including four story high shear connection between mega-columns and belt truss. The research was presented in the International Lunch Speech(Anaheim, 2017). A part of the work was published in ACI structural journal.

Shear Connector Design of Steel Belt Truss-to-Concrete Mega Column Connection, ACI STRUCT J (114, 499-510, 2017)

Research on high strength reinforcing bars for walls in nuclear power plants : In walls of NPP, a large number reinforcing bars, which are used to assure the safety of walls under earthquake loading, cause difficulties in construction and economy. Prof. Park participated in a research for the use of high strength steel bars (80ksi steel) on shear design of walls. This research was sponsored by Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. (KHNP). His work was presented several times in the committe meetings of ACI 349 and 359, and accepted for the revisions of ACI 349 and 359. This work was published in ACI structural journal.


Cyclic Loading Test for Walls of Aspect Ratio 1.0 and 0.5 with Grade 550 MPa (80 ksi) Shear Reinforcing Bars, ACI STRUCT J (114, 969-982, 2017)

Cyclic Loading Test for Reinforced Concrete Walls (Aspect Ratio 2.0) with Grade 550 MPa (80 ksi) Shear Reinforcing Bars, ACI STRUCT J (114, 673-686, 2017)

Cyclic Loading Tests for Shear Strength of Low-Rise Reinforced Concrete Walls with Grade 550 MPa Bars, ACI STRUCT J (112, 299-310, 2015)

PSRC (prefabricated steel reinforced concrete ) column construction method : Prof. Park has developed a novel construction method for large concrete columns which are used for high rise buildings and plants, in assocation with SEN co. In the PSRC columns, instead of reinforcing bars, steel angles are used to prefabricate the steel cages for high speed construction of long and large columns. Since the PSRC columns are prefabricated in factories, contruction period can be significantly reduced. The PSRC columns were applied to the construction of factories in Samsung Semiconductor and Hynix Semiconductor. Also, the PSRC column construction method was exported to Singapore for the high speed construction of storage buildings. The PSRC column method was presented in ACI International Lunch Speech (Anaheim, 2017) and published in ASCE journal.

Axial Load and Cyclic Lateral Load Tests for Composite Columns with Steel Angles, J STRUCT ENG (142, 04016001, 2016)

  • 1990.8 – 1994.5Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Ph.D
  • 1985.3 – 1987.2Department of Architecture, Seoul National University, M.S
  • 1981.3 – 1985.2Department of Architecture, Seoul National University, B.S
Work Experience
  • 1995.11 – 1997.8Jeon & Associates, Partner
  • 1988.2 – 1990.3Jeon & Associates, Structural Engineer
  • 1997.9 – currentDepartment of Architecture, Seoul National University, Professor
  • 2008 – 2010Department of Architecture, Seoul National University, Department Chair
Professional Structural Engineer (Korea) (Registration no.: 96146010094D)
Awards and honor

Excellent Paper of the Year (Korean Science and Technology Association 2000)

Paper Award (Korean Concrete Institute 2001)

Paper Award (Korean Concrete Institute 2003)

Paper Award (Korean Concrete Institute 2006)

The Chester Paul Siess Award for Excellence in Structural Research (American Concrete Institute 2008)

Excellent Research Award (College of Engineering, Seoul National University 2008)

Paper Award( Korea S. M. Institute 2010)

The Chester Paul Siess Award for Excellence in Structural Research (American Concrete Institute 2012)

Award from Ministry of Knowledge Economy in Korea (2012) : development of new concrete technology

Excellent Teaching Award (College of Engineering, Seoul National University 2011)

Excellent Research Award (Korea S. M. Institute 2014)

Excellent Research Award (Korea Structural Engineers Association 2014)

Excellent Research Award (Korean Concrete Institute 2018)

Member of National Engineering Academy in Korea (MEAK)

Member of The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST)

Member of CAEE Academy of Distinguished Alumni, The University of Texas at Austin.

Fellow member of American Concrete Institute (ACI)

Papers (International Journals)
120 Papers in world-renowned journals including ACI and ASCE
Papers (Korean Journals)
140 papers
Conference papers (International and Korean Journals)
150 papers
Affiliation & Activity

Korean Concrete Institute (former Vice-President)

Korean Society of Steel Construction (Member)

Director of Korean Building Code Center in Architectural Institute of Korea

American Concrete Institute (Fellow member, Committee 421, 445, IC/C)

Korea institute for Structural Maintenance Inspection; KSMI( former Vice-President)

Korea Structural Engineers Association (Vice-President)

Research Area

Earthquake Engineering of Building Structures

Numerical Modeling for Nonlinear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete

Reinforced Concrete Design

Steel-Concrete Composite Design

Research Projects
100 projects from Korean government and private companies
Structural Design and Review Projects

Global Business Center (120 stories), Seoul, Korea (2019 – )

Lotte World Tower (123 stories), Seoul, Korea(2013)

GBC Tower (110 stories), Seoul, Korea(2018- )

Hynix semiconductor factory (2018)

LG Kangnam Tower(40 stories), Seoul, Korea (1996)

LG Elevator Testing Tower(100m in height), Changwon, Korea (1988)

Reaction Bed and Walls in POSCO Structural Engineering Lab. (1997)

Hanwha Multi-use Complex (50 stories), Seoul, Korea (1997)

And other building design and evaluation projects

Review committees for Building Design & Construction Projects

Committee in Seoul City

Committee in Ministry of Land, Transport, and Maritime Affairs in Korea

Committee in Ministry of Public Procurement Service in Korea

Committee in Incheon International Airport in Korea

Other 45 committee activities


25 patents

60 Academic reports & Books.